Friday, October 11, 2024

Killing Floor

Killing Floor is by Lee Child. The first in the realistic fiction Jack Reacher series. Reacher is an ex-military policeman who has decided to become a hobo and move from place to place as he feels like it. After his brother tells him of a legendary guitar player who died in a small Georgia town, Reacher decides to go there and find out more about him. Instead, he finds himself arrested for murder almost as soon as he geta into town. Now he must clear his name and solve the case himself, with the help of a female policewoman and a African American chief of detectives. Fans of the television show will love the book! It's every bit as violent and bloody and the bad guys ALWAYS get what's coming to them in typical Reacher fashion. 

Ratings: Adult - 9 out of 10 - V (violence) - AC (mature thematic content) - P (profanity). 

Murder on the Ile Sordou

Murder on the Ile Sordou is by M. L. Longworth. The fourth installment in the realistic fiction Provencal Mystery series. Judge Verlaque and Marine decide to take a vacation and spend it on the island of Ile Sordou, which has just opened a small new hotel. The owners are excited because a famous film star and his wife and stepson have also booked for the week and they are hoping this will bring them the publicity they will need to make a go of the hotel. Then the film star is found murdered, and the Judge and Marine must step in and solve the mystery. But is this the first time all of the staff and guests have been to the island? Full of eccentric characters, this is a charming addition to this series which fans will enjoy. 

Ratings: 9th grade - 8 out of 10 - AC (some mature thematic content). 

The Daughter of Time

The Daughter of Time is by Josephine Tey. The fifth in the realistic fiction mystery Inspector Grant series. Grant has been injured in a fall and is stuck in the hospital to recover. When one of his friends brings him a picture of Richard III to examine, he becomes fascinated. Richard supposedly murdered his twin nephews while they were being held in the Tower of London and assumed their throne. But Grant doesn't see the face of a killer in Richard's portrait and decides to research the Wicked Uncle and discover if there is any proof he was the killer. An interesting read, but not my favorite of the series. 

Ratings: 9th grade - 6 out of 10 - AC (some mature thematic content). 

Three Dark Crowns

Three Dark Crowns is by Kendare Blake. The first book in the fantasy Three Dark Crowns series. On the island of Fennbirn, every generation sees the birth of three triplet queens. Each queen has a different skill set: poisoner, naturalist, elemental, etc. They are raised separately and taught to master their specific skill. When they turn 16 at Beltane, they must demonstrate their skill and then each has a year to kill the other two and become queen. Think "Mad Max," three girls enter, one girl leaves. The series focuses on three queens: Mirabella (elemental), Katharine (poisoner), and Arsinoe (naturalist) - which will ultimately win the crown? 

Ratings: 10th grade - 7 out of 10 - AC (mature thematic content) - V (violence). 

A Night in the Lonesome October

A Night in the Lonesome October is by Roger Zelazny. This charming fantasy is a perfect read for the month of October leading up to Halloween. Each chapter is one day of the month, so you can start on September 30th and go right through to Halloween, which is the end of the book. It is also charming for its references to characters in other books - see how many you can find. The narrator is Snuff, a "dog," whose master is a knife-wielding gentleman named Jack. They are gathering with several others to prepare for a event that will take place on Halloween. Some are allies, some are enemies - and each has a familiar of some kind. This book is creepy and funny and a complete joy to read. It's gruesome without being gory, and the joy of the literary references is fabulous. A fabulous seasonal read. 

Ratings: 9th grade - 9 out of 10 - AC (some mature thematic content).