Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Goats

The Goats is by Brock Cole. This is a disturbing, yet tender, tale of two outsiders who learn to trust each other and in turn discover themselves. At the summer camp from hell two teens, a boy and a girl, are the victims of a cruel "prank". They are designated "goats" by the other campers and tricked into a trip to an island in the middle of a lake. They are stripped of their clothes and left there; the intent is that the others will come back later and spy on them and gloat over their misery and fear. The two manage to escape from the island, naked and alone, and begin a journey of self discovery that changes them both. Along the way they discover both kindness and cruelty from adults and children alike. This is a powerful tale, and though the style of writing is at times difficult to follow it is a must read. I highly recommend this book, especially to anyone who has ever been a "goat".

Ratings: 7th grade - 10 out of 10 - MP (mild profanity).

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