Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dead Until Dark

Dead Until Dark is by Charlaine Harris. The first in the Southern Vampire Mystery (Sookie Stackhouse) series. The series is set in rural Louisiana. Sookie is a waitress in a local bar. She's pretty, quiet, and doesn't date much. She has a small problem, she can read minds. Then in walks Bill and Sookie discovers she can't hear his thoughts. There's just one thing, he's a vampire and he's got some really icky friends. Then the murders start and Sookie wonders who is killing people she knows and is she next? A wonderful series! I can't wait for the next installment. It's not as good as The Dark Hunter series, but it is a fun and enjoyable read. This series is not recommended for those under 18.

Ratings: Adult - 9 out of 10 - P (profanity) - S (non graphic sexual content) - AC (mature thematic content) - V (violence).

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