Monday, November 4, 2019


Sourdough is by Robin Sloan. A charming fantasy novel that is almost more magical realism than anything else. Lois works for a robotics company writing code so robot arms can perform more like human limbs. She is stressed by her job and doesn't eat or sleep as well as she should. Then she discovers two brothers who run a delivery service, serving the best spicy soup and bread she has ever eaten. She orders from them daily; until the day they show up on her doorstep. Their visas have been revoked and they are leaving the country. They gift Lois with their "special" sourdough starter, and Lois learns the joy of baking - and the joy of finding other pleasures in life. A strange, but charming tale of seeking and finding your life's purpose. 

Ratings: 10th grade - 8 out of 10. 

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