Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dream of Orchids

Dream of Orchids is by Phyllis A. Whitney. No one does wackjob's like Whitney! When her characters are insane they are down right creepy. The loony in this mystery is no exception. Laurel York heads for the Florida Keys after the death of her mother to meet the father who abandoned them when she was a child. She meets her father and her two stepsisters shortly after the strange death of their mother Poppy. There is a secret surrounding Poppy's death and only her prize orchids in the greenhouse know the true story. Can Laurel figure out the truth before the family is destroyed? Guys, modern day piracy and sunken treasure also figure in this one. Another Whitney gem - if you haven't guessed by now she is one of my favorite authors. Mature content includes murder and insanity.

Ratings: 9th grade - 9 out of 10 - AC (mature thematic content).

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