Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Track of the Cat

Track of the Cat is by Nevada Barr. The first novel in the Anna Pigeon mystery series is really something. Anna is a park ranger working for the National Park Service in the west Texas desert. While tracking mountain lions that have been resettled into the park, Anna finds the body of a fellow ranger. It appears she has been killed by one of the mountain lions; but Anna doesn't buy it, too many things just don't make sense. She sets herself to solve the mystery and catch the murderer. If you like detailed description of the beauty of the American wilderness this is the book for you. You feel like you're in the desert. I kept finding myself reaching for more water while reading this book. The ending was not what I expected and I didn't figure out "who done it" until the end. There is profanity and adult content, making this a great read for older mystery buffs and outdoor enthusiasts.

Ratings: 11th grade - 9 out of 10 - P (profanity) - AC (mature thematic content).

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