Sunday, May 3, 2009

Love At Stake Series

The Love At Stake Series is by Kerrelyn Sparks. A fun paranormal romance series that gets better as it goes along. Good vampires, known as Vamps, have created synthetic blood and don't need to feed off humans anymore. With allies among the humans and were-animals they battle against the bad vampires called Malcontents who want to use the human race as food. This series follows their struggles with the Malcontents and their desire to find love. The first several books are a little cheesy, but get progressively better. Sparks is not Sherrilyn Kenyon, but the books are fun to read. There is profanity and graphic sexual content. These books are not recommended for those under 18.

Ratings - Adult - 8 out of 10 - P (profanity), S (graphic sexual content) - AC (mature thematic content).

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