Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Black Unicorn

Black Unicorn is by Tanith Lee. The first book in an interesting series. Tanaquil is a young girl whose sorceress mother, Jaive, is disappointed in her because she has no magical abilities. All she is able to do is fiddle with machinery and fix anything that breaks. When a peeve digs up a unicorn skeleton, Tanaquil puts it together. When it comes to life she knows it has come for her. It needs her, but for what? Tanaquil and the peeve set out on a journey of self discovery to aid a mythical creature and what they find is amazing. This story starts slowly, but improves as you read it. It is descriptive, magical, and humorous.

Ratings: 7th grade - 8 out of 10 - MP (mild profanity).

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