Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Rosie Effect

The Rosie Effect is by Graeme Simsion. Don and Rosie are married and living in New York City. Don is very happy with the outcome of the Rosie Project. He is making friends and enjoying his research. Rosie is struggling to get her thesis completed. Don is planning on telling Rosie he has invited Gene, whom she hates, to live with them since his marriage to Claudia has fallen apart. But Rosie has a surprise for Don, she's pregnant. Don sets out, in his own unique way, to assist Rosie with her pregnancy - and hilarity ensues. Not only is he researching pregnancy, he is trying to reconcile Gene and Claudia, help his new friend Dave save his business, service the industrial refrigeration unit his new landlord has installed to keep his beer at the right temperature, and keep himself out of jail. Only Don could get into this much trouble this quickly. Will his own marriage survive this pregnancy?

Ratings: Adult - 10 out of 10 - P (profanity) - AC (mature thematic content).

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