Saturday, June 22, 2019

Sleeping Giants

Sleeping Giants is by Sylvain Neuvel. The first science fiction installment in The Themis Files series. A young girl named Rose rides out on her bicycle and falls into a hole. When the firefighters arrive to rescue her, they find her resting in a giant glowing hand. Seventeen years later Rose, now a physicist, is approached by a man representing, one supposes, "a vague yet menacing government agency" (Night Vale hat tip there) to head up a project to study the hand. Her team finds themselves in way over their heads. This series is combination X-Files and The Day the Earth Stood Still. It is told through journals and taped interviews with the participants and is wonderfully creepy and fascinating. 

Ratings: 10th grade - 9 out of 10 - AC (some mature thematic content). 

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