Sunday, March 8, 2020

This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us

This Body's Not Big Enough for Both of Us is by Edgar Cantero. A romping science fiction ride from the author of Meddling Kids. This time Cantero takes on every noir detective story or film ever, in his crazy style. The Kimrean twins are both private eyes; they also share the same body. As chimeric twins they are each distinct persons sharing the same body, and they can't stand each other - like most siblings. Zooey is female and all right brain (emotions) and Adrian is male and all left brain (logic). Law enforcement agencies are trying to take down several cartels; they have had a cop undercover with one of them for 18 months. When the kingpin's youngest son is murdered and a gang war looms, they reach out to the Kimrean twins to stop the war and help them bring down the cartels. This book is an action-packed hilarious thrill ride. 

Ratings: 11th grade - 9 out of 10 - AC (mature thematic content) - V (violence) - P (profanity). 

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