Sunday, September 6, 2020

Heart of Darkness and Selected Short Fiction

Heart of Darkness and Selected Short Fiction is by Joseph Conrad. The classic historical fiction novella is combined with three of Conrad's other powerful short stories in one volume. "Heart of Darkness" is the story of Marlow, a Brit who gets a job as a captain of a steamship in the Belgian Congo. He travels up the Congo to find a man called Kurtz, who is said to be both able and idealistic in his treatment of the "savages." What Marlow finds when he arrives at the station Kurtz controls shocks him to the core. This is a Reader's Corner Highly Recommended Read. It is a classic tale of the horrors of colonialism, one man's descent into madness, and another's failure to speak out about what he witnesses. The other short stories are also magnificently done and worth the time to read. Warning: there are racial slurs in this book that were in common usage at the time it was written. 

Ratings: 10th grade - 10 out of 10 - P (profanity) - AC (mature thematic content). 

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