Sunday, October 17, 2010

The True Meaning of Cleavage

The True Meaning of Cleavage is by Mariah Fredericks. Sari and Jess are just starting high school. They have been friends forever even though they are total opposites. When Sari falls for the hottest guy in school, who just happens to be the long-time boyfriend of the school's prettiest girl, Jess doesn't know what to do? David couldn't really be interested in Sari, or could he? What if he is? What will happen to Sari and where will that leave Jess? A much better and more mature book than Frederick's In the Cards series. A funny tale of high school, crushes, and friendship.

Ratings: 9th grade - 8 out of 10 - MP (mild profanity) - AC (some mature thematic content).

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