Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Secret Garden

The Secret Garden is by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The timeless classic tale of Mary, a spoiled orphan from India, who comes to live with her uncle in England at a Yorkshire mansion on the edge of a wide moor. While there she meets Dickon, a young farm boy who has a way with animals. Together they discover a secret garden on the manor and begin to restore it. She also discovers her bedridden cousin, Colin, who is more spoiled and unloved than she. With the help of Mary, Dickon, and his own desire to see the secret garden, Colin struggles to leave his sick bed; much to the astonishment of the adults in the house. A must read classic about the reawakening of spirits and the rejuvenation love and hope can bring. 

Ratings: 6th grade - 9 out of 10. 

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