Sunday, December 20, 2015

The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey

The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt's Darkest Journey is by Candice Millard. In 1912, Roosevelt sets his sights on exploring the River of Doubt, an unexplored tributary of the Amazon River. Assembling a party which includes his son Kermit, George Cherrie, and Brazil’s most famous explorer, Cândido Rondon, Roosevelt heads deep into the uncharted jungle. His party faces the loss of canoes and supplies, rapids and waterfalls, Indian attack, disease, drowning, starvation, and death. A wonderful look into the bravery of an American President who risked everything for adventure.

Ratings: 10th grade - 9 out of 10 - AC (mature thematic content) - V (violence).

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