Monday, October 16, 2017

Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas

Redshirts: A Novel with Three Codas is by John Scalzi. OMG! What a fantastic science fiction read. If you ever followed Star Trek, and even if you didn't, you will LOVE this hilarious novel. It follows the crew of the Capital Ship Intrepid as it boldly goes where no man has...sorry. Andrew is part of a new contingent of crewmen (and woman) who discover that there is something strange about the Intrepid. On every Away Mission with the ship's officer's the lowly crewpersons (the Redshirts) die, while the ship's officers manage to escape mostly unscathed. Determined to survive, Andrew and his friends set out to discover what is happening on board the Intrepid and stop it from happening to them. This novel is a delightful farce and laugh-out-loud funny. If you have any interest in science fiction, or have ever watched Star Trek you MUST read this book.

Ratings: 10th grade - 10 out of 10 - P (profanity) - AC (mature thematic content) - V (violence).

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