Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Coroner's Lunch

The Coroner's Lunch is by Colin Cotterill. The first installment of his historical fiction mystery series, the Dr. Siri Paiboun Mysteries. Set in 1970s Laos, Dr. Siri has been appointed the country's coroner by the Communist government. He is in his seventies and really just wants to retire, but when the Party calls, a Comrade answers. Dr. Siri trained in medicine in France when he was young and has no training as a coroner, but he does his best. When the wife of a party leader drops dead at a lunch, Dr. Siri suspects she was poisoned all right, but it wasn't the food. While he is trying to determine what to do with this knowledge, another corpse arrives that opens another political can of worms. Suddenly, Dr. Siri is being shot at and doesn't know who to trust in a country where no one trusts anyone. A totally enjoyable series, I can't wait to read the next book.

Ratings: 11th grade - 8 out of 10 - P (profanity). 

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