Monday, August 26, 2019

The Forgetting Time

The Forgetting Time is by Sharon Guskin. An interesting realistic fiction novel about a four-year-old boy named Noah, who claims he is someone else. Janie's son keeps telling her he wants to go home to his mother and that his name is not Noah it's Tommy, and he is terrified of water and refuses to take a bath. Janie has tried everything to understand what is wrong with her son. She finally calls in a psychiatrist who threw away his career to research the possibility of reincarnation. Anderson believes that Noah is the reincarnation of a boy named Tommy and he and Janie set out to find Noah's "other" family. This search will have amazing ramifications for everyone involved. 

Ratings: Adult - 7 out of 10 - P (profanity) - AC (some mature thematic content). 

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