Sunday, November 29, 2020

Ink & Bone

Ink & Bone is by Rachel Caine. The first book in the fantasy Great Library series. The Library now controls all information, owning books is forbidden and smuggling them is punishable by death. Alchemy allows the Library to deliver digital copies of books to "blanks," while the Library keeps all originals. Jess is the son of the most famous book smuggler in London, his father pays to buy him a place in the Library so he can use his position to smuggle books. Jess becomes a Postulate, and discovers that the Library is not all they have been taught. He and his friends, along with their teacher, are at risk of losing everything, including their lives. 

Ratings: 11th grade - 8 out of 10 - AC (mature thematic content) - V (violence). 

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