Saturday, November 28, 2020

The Lost Book of the Grail

The Lost Book of the Grail is by Charlie Lovett. A magnificent combination of realistic and historical fiction. Arthur Prescott teaches English at the University of Barchester in England; he is also hunting for the Holy Grail which his grandfather has led him to believe is in Barchester, not Glastonbury as legend has it. He hopes to find the key to his mystery in the medieval library in the local cathedral, but he must locate the missing Book of Ewolda which tells the story of the cathedral's founder, Saint Ewolda. Then an American shows up to digitize the library and Arthur decides to thwart her efforts until he discovers she is a kindred spirit and might be able to help him find the Grail. A booklover's dream and a wonderful story. 

Ratings: 11th grade - 9 out of 10 - P (profanity). 

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