Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Warlord's Daughter

The Warlord's Daughter is by Susan Grant. The second "Tale of the Borderlands" takes us back to the struggle for peace between the Coalition and the Drakken. The war is over, but peace is hardly a sure thing. Wren is the only living child of the evil Drakken Warlord, and she is the key to a treasure that can heal with galaxy. Both sides are seeking her, but she is tired of being a pawn. Aral is the son of a Drakken Battlelord and a feared Battlelord in his own right. For years he has worked to destroy the Drakken Empire he hates and win the Warlord's daughter he loves. Can he find her before anyone else does? Will she accept him? Can they learn to trust each other? Together they may be the galaxy's only chance for peace. A great read! I can't wait for the next installment in the series.

Ratings: Adult - 10 out of 10 - P (profanity) - AC (mature thematic content) - S (mild sexuality).

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